
the friendly, accessible high-level virtual machine

Instruction set

Array instructions

arraypush A B
Push B onto the end of array A.
arrayunshift A B
Push B onto the front of array A.
arraypop B A
Pop B off of the end of array A.
arrayshift B A
Pop B off the front of array A.
arrayset A I V
Set value V at index I in array A.
arrayget V A I
Get value at index I from array A and store it in V.
arrayremove V A I
Remove value at index I from array A and store it in V.
arraynew A L
Create a new array in A with length of non-negative integer L ($zero is allowed).

Structure operations

structset S K V
Set key symbol (non-negative integer) K in struct S to value V.
structget V S K
Get value from S by key symbol K and store the value in V.
structdelete V S K
Same as structget, however the key-value will be removed from S.
structhas B S K
Set boolean in B depending on whether or not struct S has a value for symbol key K. (Boolean will be integer 0 or 1.)
structnew S
Create a new struct in register S.

Control flow & subroutines

call SUB RET
Invoke the subroutine at SUB. RET can be a register for return or $null for no return or ignoring return.
callsymbolic SYM RET
Invoke subroutine identified by the symbol (ID) in register SYM.
calladdress SUB RET
Invoke subroutine at address in register SUB.
tailcall SUB
Same as call but does not grow the stack. Current subroutine’s return will be the return from SUB.
callprimitive SYM RET
Invoke the primitive with symbol (ID) in SYM.
return RET
Return from the current subroutine to the parent. RET can be a register for returning a value or $null.
jump DIFF
Jump DIFF (integer) instructions forwards (positive) or backwards (negative).
goto DEST
Go to DEST (non-negative integer).
Jump to DEST if COND is truthy (not null and not a zero integer).


catch DEST EXC
Register an exception handler for the current stack frame at destination DEST. If the handler is invoked then the exception will be placed in register EXC (can be $null).
throw EXC
Raise an exception.
Clear the current exception and continue execution.
Note: Currently not implemented and likely to be removed. Can be called from an exception handler to attempt to continue from an exception. (Warning: Dangerous!)
rethrow EXC
Reraise an exception (will preserve the stack trace from the exception structure’s point of origin instead of wherever the current handler is).
setexception EXC
Set the current exception into register EXC.

Constant assignment

NOTE: May want to make a setconstant instruction available.

setstring A S
Set the string referenced by constant index S into register A.
setinteger A I
Set the integer referenced by constant index S into register A.
setfloat A F
Set the float referenced by constant index S into register A.
setstruct A S
Set the structure referenced by constant index S into register A.
setsymbol A S
At load time: look up string in constant index S, then get the symbol ID from the VM’s symbol table for that string. Upon execution register A will be set to that non-negative integer ID.
setnull A
Set register A to null.

Literal assignment

litinteger A I
Set A to literal integer I.


Do nothing for a wee bit of time.
Exit interpreter with integer status code in STATUS.
symbolicate SYM STR
Look up the symbol ID for the string in STR and update SYM with that value.
move A B
A = B

Local/global variables

setlocal N V
Sets a local by symbol name N with value V.
getlocal V N
Gets a local by symbol name N into V.
setglobal N V
Sets a global by symbol name N with value V.
getglobal V N
Gets a global by symbol name N into V.
findlexical V N
Slow stack search operation. Climb the stack searching for a local by symbol name N; if found store in V.
getclosure A
Get the current scope as a closure-structure.
Warning: These will probably be not-very-performant since it will (in the unoptimized case) probably end up compacting and copying the stack.


add A B C
A = B + C
sub A B C
A = B - C
mul A B C
A = B * C
div A B C
A = B / C
mod A B C
A = B % C


and A B C
A = B & C
or A B C
A = B | C
not A B
A = ~B
xor A B C
A = B ^ C
rshift A B C
A = B » C
lshift A B C
A = B « C